Thursday, October 11, 2007

Need Help Procrastinating???

READ THIS!!! The whole thing! All of it! By the time you're done, it will be summer break and you can leave your worries and bad grades behind and go on a road trip!!! Or maybe you're a really fast reader, in which case you'll learn 100 things about me REALLY QUICK!, then go on to finish school with an A and still go on a road trip! I stole this idea from Jon Schneck, by the way.

1. I was born in Torrence, LA (that's in California for those of you who are geographically-challenged)
2. My first pet that I can remember was an earthworm named Bob. He ate himself. I was heartbroken.
3. My cell phone charm came from Germany. The jury's still out on whether it's a cow or a pig, so for now we'll call it a Pow.
4. I built a swing on a tree in my yard. It has a purple rope and a white seat. I bet you're jealous...
5. We had a kiddie pool on our deck when I was little. It exploded. Our dining room was a little bit damp...
6. I HATE dragonflies, BUT I love them when used in art/jewelry (not the actual fly, but the shape of one)
7. I want to name my daughter Ryenne (like Ryan, but girlier)
8. There are some who call me Skidamarinky Doo. If you worked at/went to Miracle Ranch, the super cool summer camp, then you'd know what I mean!
9. The equation for the perimeter of a rectangle is P=2l + 2w
10. I love doing those geometry problems where they give you a bunch of lines and angles with some of the angles labeled, and you have to figure out what the unlabeled angles are.
11. I also love doing linear equations. Ya know, 3(2x + 6) = 40. That sort of thing. I could do those forever.
12. Turkey sandwiches are amazing. I love them.
13. The last time I went to a sea food restaurant I ordered chicken strips.
14. My brother and I used to have an imaginary friend named Sam. Once we took a really big piece of cardboard and cut out the life-sized shape of a person and that was Sam. He rode in the car with us. And yes, he buckled-up.
15. When I was little I wanted to be a pioneer when I grew up.
16. I don't much like large bodies of water. Lakes are ok, but oceans are not.
17. Seventeen is the age that I am currently.
18. Eighteen is the age that I will be in 3 days.
19. When I was younger I had 3 goldfish sequentially. The first was named Boomer. The second was Faith. I got lazy with naming the third one; she was Butter.
20. Sometimes I make jokes. No one laughs usually. I do though. I crack myself up.
21. The first time I dropped my new cell phone was on the floor of the bathroom in the mall.
22. I already know what college I want to transfer to, and what dorm I want to live in, but I may not even transfer to a 4-year college.
23. Last year for Holloween I dressed up as a gangster. I borrowed my brothers pants.
24. I never went to a school dance "with" someone.
25. I was hit by a drunk driver on New Years Eve last year. It was a hit-and-run.
26. My favorite toy is a can of Flarp, that noise putty stuff that sounds know what it sounds like. Hours of entertainment for only $3!!!!
27. I started playing the piano when I was 5. I stopped when I was 11-ish. I can not play the piano much anymore. I really wish I could though.
28. I have a guitar. I want to learn to play it. I haven't yet though.
29. I live across the street from a lake. It is 1/2 mile to the park entrance. It is 2 miles all the way around it.
30. I have a cast that was on my leg hanging from my ceiling. It's decorated like a shoe and sock.
31. Hanging behind the cast is a red window frame that I found at a garage sale for $1. It's weathered and old. I love it.
32. Pinned to my ceiling are 3 posters from the 3 theatre shows I've crewed. Guys And Dolls, Johnny Imes: The Search For Lost Loves, and The Shofar.
33. The first and only time I have ever done a chinese fire drill was at midnight in front of a biker bar. It wasn't planned that way either.
34. I have a notebook. In it are a zillion things that represent me. Words, pictures, song lyrics...
35. I have 8 symmetrical scars on each foot/leg. They are the result of 3 surgeries.
36. I have been ice skating once. Miraculously, I didn't fall down.
37. A few days ago I ran into a street sign. I was walking. There is no logical explanation for it.
38. I am a closet song writer. I have a notebook full of songs. Only one has music to it.
39. I was born cross-eyed.
40. I love reading the Dear America books, the ones with the stories of the girls in different historical times.
41. Sicko was like the best documentary ever!
42. The scene in the movie Say Anything when they are in the guitar shop is very special to me. The room right next to the one that they are standing in is where my guitar came from! Gotta love Seattle!
43. The song Daughters by John Mayer reminds me of a warm summer night, with the windows open and the breeze coming in.
44. I can quote all of the movie UHF, starring Weird Al. The fries are done.
45. The movie The Princess Bride used to scare me. Now I realize that it is hilarious.
46. I don't like calling people. I do, however, like answering the phone.
47. I was in 4-H for a year. I rode a horse named Bunny. This is why I'm so
48. I absolutely love salad spinners. They are SO MUCH FUN!
49. I have almost no blank shirts. I decorate all of them with bible verses, song lyrics, and band names.
50. This is, mathematically speaking, the middle of this list.
51. I have had a total of 5 piercings. I currently have 2. They were all in my ears.
52. I love fire pits. I love the smoky smell on your clothes and hair after you sit by one for a while.
53. On my first job interview, the employer asked me what my favorite thing to do is. I told him that I love to laugh. I got the job.
54. The song Fernando, by ABBA, cracks me up. It's a drive-down-the-road-with-the-music-blasting song.
55. I was homeschooled all my life. My mom has these workbooks for me to use. I used to think that when I finished a page, we had to mail it to the company for them to check it. I cried because I thought I did them all wrong.
56. I use the word "spiffy" a lot. It's a pretty stellar word. I use the word "stellar" a lot too.
57. I love sledding/innertubing.
58. I don't like to swim very much, but I love to play in the water. I just stand there and splash around.
59. Once when I was playing paintball I shot myself in the foot.
60. The zip line at camp is the most amazing thing, besides Jesus, that I experienced while I was there.
61. I used to make things out of cardboard, duct tape, and hot glue when I was younger. I could make anything. It was cool.
62. My brother and I used to put pieces of cardboard on our bike spokes so that they sounded like motorcycles.
63. We also used to jump our bikes of ramps in the street.
64. I played The Gruzzles (which was actually called Word Rescue or something), Chip's Challenge, the Lemmings, and Doctor Spietzo on the computer when I was little.
65. I had a rolling backpack at school until I realized that it's not really all that cool, and it's really noisy.
66. I love to write (can you tell?)
67. I'm pretty good at spelling. It's always been fun for me.
68. I love camping. Camp fires, sleeping bags, tents, scary stories...perfect.
69. I have a bright yellow coffee mug that says I Heart San Francisco on it. I call it my Happy Mug.
70. My favorite aisle of any grocery store is the school supply aisle.
71. I am really bad at wrapping square or rectangular presents. I'm bad at wrapping the odd-shaped ones too, but you can't tell cause they're odd-shaped.
72. I once kidnapped a pony in a field and rode her bareback for a little while. It was absolutely amazing.
73. Gorilla Glue makes me smile. It gets all hard and puffy when it's dry.
74. I love the hardware store.
75. Some day before I die I want to convert a transit bus into a house.
76. I earned the nickname Tape Woman when my youth group painted our youth room. I was in charge of taping off all the doors and windows.
77. I am one of the few people in the theatre that I tour with who can rip the gaff tape by hand, without cutting it first.
78. I used to make little boats and float them in our kitchen sink.
79. I am on a mission to find one of the original Tomagotchi toys, so that my children will know what we played with back in the 90's.
80. I had Play-Doh when I was a kid. My friend told me she has scented Play-Doh. I didn't even know they made scented Play-Doh.
81. This summer I came to the realization that if you want to travel to Japan from Washington, you don't have to go east until you get to the other end of the map. The earth is, in fact, round, and you can simply go west a little ways and be right there. Me and Christopher Colombus, best buds.
82. My brother and I used to make huge blanket forts in our living room. They would include all the chairs and couches. It was pretty nifty.
83. I had braces for 3 years. That was 4 years ago. Now I have them again.
84. I really liked wearing my retainer, because I got to pick out what color it was. It was blue with glitter in it.
85. Whenever we went to the video rental place I would look at the melted VHS tape they had on display. Next to it was a sign that said "please don't leave the videos in your car. This is what happens"
86. I am really really bad at laser tag. I really really love playing laser tag. Last time I played the percent of shots that actually hit things was 0.04%.
87. I always wanted to play doorbell ditch with my brother, but I was always afraid of the neighbors. We doorbell ditched our own house frequently.
88. The first time I drove a car, my top speed was 12.
89. I made a fort in my closet one time. I convinced my mom to let me sleep in it, but she tried to discourage me by telling me that all the carbon monoxide from my breathing would make me sick if I stayed in my closet. I slept there anyway. In the middle of the night, I was so afraid I was going to die that I moved back to my bed.
90. When I was in 5th grade, my camp counselor told me that there were bats flying around above us when we were sleeping outside. I slept all the way inside of my sleeping bag.
91. I was running around in my backyard once, and a rat ran across my foot. We think it was a stray.
92. I used to stand on my bed singing My Heart Will Go On.
93. Some day I want to be a roadie. I'm looking for every avenue in which to pursue my dream.
94. I have never been overseas.
95. I have never been to Mexico.
96. I have three screws in each foot.
97. Apples to Apples is the best game ever. Play it sometime. You will die laughing.
98. I absolutely adore popsicles and Otter Pops.
99. The howler monkeys at the zoo used to scare me. A lot.
100. On my first day of work, my manager bought me a Cliff Bar. Now I take them to work and school every day.

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